Scriptures for the rest of the reading plan. May the Lord bless this journey and open up a whole new world to us. Be open to changes if and when He deems appropriate. Although we have free will, I for one, prefer to be in His perfect will. Thanks for joining me.

Day 2
Ex 3 v 1-17; ps 105 v 26-38

What an honour for Moses to be called by God, although it seemed somewhat daunting as his first response was “who am I…?” and “who shall I say sent me?” after which the Lord answered “ tell them I AM sent you”[paraphrase] while giving Moses the assurance that He would be with him.

Be alert, sober and tuned in so that when God calls you, you would recognize His voice and be willing to go where he might send you, knowing you are not alone and that He will provide in all your needs. Thank you Lord that each of us have a calling in your Kingdom. 🙏

Day 3
Num 27 v 18-23; Deur 31 v 14-23; Jos 1 v 1-9

Be strong and courageous, like Josua (Deut 31 v 23 and Jos 1 v 6) and obey the Lord’s commandments by Loving Him with your whole being and your fellow man as yourself.  Meditate on His Word day and night.  Then you will be prosperous and successful regardless of what you do and where you may go. 

I believe this is conditional though,  and that you have to remain in the Lord.  The key for me is that we are willing and available for the Lord’s work everyday while dealing with others in the workplace, in the supermarket, on the road, etc.  Your calling might be that of a Joshua, a Jonah or a Paul, regardless of the calling, we should remember we are working for the Lord.  Have a blessed Monday all

Day 4
Judges 6 v 7-40

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