
New year's message

Without sounding like a broken record, we have all seen the impact and ripple effect of the past year’s events and how it has forced people to look differently at their existence in this fragile world.

We can no longer simply rely on our work place to look after us until the day we retire as that might not even happen as expected. You and I have to look at other alternatives in order to ensure financial stability and independence, and unfortunately not everyone is multi-skilled.

In an ever changing world – sometimes for the worse – believers are faced with many challenges and it’s not always that clear cut when it comes to making the right decisions, or is it? Should it not just be a matter of trusting in the Lord, regardless of your situation, or does faith not always come into play when making “worldly” decisions?

I don’t believe in separating ones faith from reality. We are required to practice our faith whether we are at the office, in public or the privacy of our own homes. The question begging, is this;

How has the past year affected your faith?

Have you grown more dependent (than ever before) on the Lord for provision, or are you still caught up in the rat race, aka survival of the fittest?

Is your vision for the new year one of material wealth and entails striving after the next promotion, longing after the brand new car or dreaming about a bigger house? Are you focused on getting your retirement plan in order?

Don’t think that I am against financial growth in this life and planning for your retirement, but that should not be our focus. If we live according to the Scriptures, we should first seek the kingdom of God, knowing the rest will be looked after.

We don’t practice a superficial belief. Our faith is real and we serve a living God. We should love Him wholeheartedly, for He loved us first. Our love for Him should extend to the people around us, loved ones and neighbours alike. We cannot claim to love God and then treat others with contempt and disrespect.

Even if you might think that Christians shouldn’t engage in new year’s resolutions, it is still worth your while to be still for a few moments and take the time to make some notes that you will realistically be able to action.

This is my vision for the new year…
I will make God my priority and strive to spend more quality time with Him and through prayer and fellowship with Him and other believers, mature in my faith and build sound relationships with those who share my vision.

I will humble myself before the Living God and be willing to learn the lessons in this life, required to graduate and transition to an eternity with Him, knowing that He makes everything work together for good for those who love Him.

I will treat others the same way I expect to be treated, regardless of their world view and wait on the Lord to share the good news of His saving grace, for His timing is perfect.

May 2021 be a year of change.
If your situation seems hopeless. Do NOT be dismayed. Look up and call on the Name of the Lord. He will not disappoint if you put your hope and trust in Him, allowing His perfect will to manifest in your life.

If you seem to be going along reasonably comfortable… Do not take your foot of the pedal. Continue to work hard and more than ever before, focus on the Lord. Make Him your first love (again). Do not put your trust in the material as it can so easily wither away.

To God all the honour and glory. Forever and ever. AMEN.