
Psalm 90 and 139
To dust I shall return

The book of Psalms addresses all the feelings one could experience, challenges we might face and also offers guidance for serving the Lord. Let’s spend some time and discuss these over the next few days or weeks, depending on how the Lord leads us.”

For you formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother’s womb.” (Ps 139 v 13)

Do you feel like you are toiling in vain and that your days are filled with labour and sorrow? Do you feel lost, purposeless and unimportant? If this is the case, then today’s devotional is just for you!

What is the one achievement you can point out if you look back over the last 40, 50 or 60 years of your life? Is it your degree you obtained after studying furiously for years or that position you sought after for so many years in the company of your dreams? Could it be Provincial colours in your sporting code or even presenting the national team? The list goes on and on…

If I remain healthy, the Lord grants me 80 years, give or take. If this is the case I have recently passed the half-way mark and one thing I have learnt, especially in my adult life is that one reaches a point where none of the above achievements matter (as much as we initially thought it would).

Any life coach will tell you to set short, medium and long-term goals and in order to achieve those goals you would have to attain small victories along the way. Everything seems to go according to plan and then life happens. You end up doing what seems to be a regular job, simply to make ends meet. All those goals you set with the specific achievement in mind, are over shadowed by the realities of putting food on the table and raising your kids.

The above sounds like the average household, doesn’t it? Besides feeling lost due to the amount of stress you have to deal with at work and the tension you might have at home, you start feeling there is no purpose in your work and that what you do is not important and all of this doesn’t make sense. Your whole life flashes before your eyes, and you try to identify the moment where it all seemingly went wrong and everything becomes a blur.

Now, take a moment and read verse 13 again and “Give thanks to the Lord, For you are fearfully and wonderfully made.” (v 14). “Wonderful is His works, and your soul knows it very well.” Who you are and what you do, matters to God! He is not interested in your qualifications and achievements, for you qualified to enter His kingdom when Jesus died on the cross.

Look beyond your circumstances, realize that you work for the Lord and see that an eternity with God awaits you, should you decide to put your faith and your trust in Christ. Whether you are a believer or not, we are all beggars, but the difference is this – We can choose and if we choose God, we will not be disappointed, for His ways are not ours and He knows best, because He is God!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation