
Job 19 v 1 - 12, 25
The walls are closing in 

He has walled up my way so that I cannot pass, and He has put darkness on my paths.” (vers 8)

Job felt insulted by what his “friend” had said, comparing him to a wicked person and responds by saying that if he has committed any wrongful deed, the onus is on him and if Bildad can prove his wrong doing, then God has a case against him.

It seemed to Job that the walls were closing in on him, while the light was also starting to dim, with no way for him to escape. How often do you feel tormented by a friend or loved one, who “vaunt” themselves against you, almost boastfully pointing out your apparent error, while you know in your heart, you have not done anything wrong?

This seems to be a common occurrence as people are quick to speak out against others, not having all the detail regarding their situation. Do not be dismayed if you are a “victim” of scrutiny as long as you are in right standing with the Lord, knowing that although everybody seems to (mis)judge and persecute you, God will vindicate you.

Stand on the Rock of your salvation, for He will deliver you from those who turn against you for no good reason. Those that are quick to judge are not without sin, for we all fall short of the glory of God. Each one should work out their salvation in fear and trembling and remove the log from their own eye before judging others, or they will discover the wrath of God.

Stand tall and have confidence in the fact that your Redeemer lives and will take account of everyone, whether in this life or the next. Every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus to be Lord.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation