
Mat 22 v 1-14; Rom 2 v 1-29; Ps 50 v 1-23; Num 5 v 1-6 v 27
The uninvited

But to the wicked God says, ‘What right have you to tell of My statutes and to take My covenant in your mouth?‘” (Ps 50 v 16)

Are those who do not believe in God, beyond reproof without any accountability? Surely not?

How much more are we (who believe in God) responsible for our actions, whether under the law or not, for those that are under the law will be judged by it, while those who are saved through grace receives a circumcision which is of the heart, their conscience bearing witness and their thoughts either accusing or else defending them (Rom 2 v 15).

Do not be deceived in thinking that we can enter the kingdom of heaven – uninvited – without the appropriate “attire”, for flesh and blood cannot enter heaven. We are called to be righteous and therefore we should strive to live holy lives, just as Christ did, for He was the perfect embodiment of righteousness, while in the flesh, without any blemish.

Our earthly vessels are ridden with sin, like filthy rags, yet it seems that often we are content with the state we find ourselves in. Is it not time to wash ourselves in the Word? Should we not desire being in the presence of our Lord, Jesus, at the wedding table that He has prepared for us?

Do not defile yourselves with everything this world deems as good. Refrain from wrongdoing through giving into the lusts of the flesh. How do we do this, you may ask? How is it even possible to go through a single day, even an hour without committing any sin? The answer is simple. We cannot… not on our own, at least.

Put on your wedding garment today. Go out into this world as one that is justified through the blood of Jesus. Allow Him to sanctify you and set you apart for His good work. Seek the Lord for guidance in every aspect of your life and above all, love Him wholeheartedly.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, shine His face on you and be gracious to you and give you peace.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation