
Mat 22 v 15-33; Rom3 v 1-31; Ps 51 v 1-19; Num 7 v 1-8 v 26
The righteousness of God

“…This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed…” (Rom 3 v 25)

We are justified by faith alone, through our belief in the death and resurrection of Jesus, on whom God poured out His wrath in order for us to be saved from the condemnation of the law, for “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (vers 23)

The law and prophets have proclaimed God’s righteousness which has been fulfilled in the Messiah, who came to show us the heart of God and what it should look like to serve and obey.

My prayer for today is that we will return to the mercy seat of God and plead with Him like David did. May He wash us thoroughly from our iniquities and cleanse us from our sins (Ps 51 v 2) in order for His righteousness to manifest in us.

Let us declare His righteousness, truthfulness and grace for God desires truth. May He renew your spirit and heal your soul. May you abound in His love and long for fellowship with the living God.

Remember that when we sin, we ultimately sin against the Lord, for His institution is one of truth and obedience to His statutes. He instructs us to live a life according to His Word, which is the Word of truth.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation