
2 Chronicles 15 v 1 - 7
The Lord is with you...

People tend to turn to the Lord in times of distress, but should it take a crisis to force us on our knees?

When all the plans you have made, fall through and everyone you have consulted, disappoints you or chastises you like Job’s friends, the only One remaining is the Lord. Why not turn to Him in the first place?

Let’s look at what the prophet Azariah said:
The Lord is with you, when you are with Him. And if you seek Him, He will let you find Him, but if you forsake Him, He will forsake you.” (vers 2)

Your first response might be, that it is said multiple times “He will never leave us, nor forsake us” [paraphrase] and this is true. His love for us might be unconditional in the sense that we don’t have to qualify in order to receive His grace – it has always been a free gift for all to receive – but we cannot go about our own lives and place God in the background, doing as we please, yet expecting Him to bless us.

Then we are no better than Israel was, when they longed after and served other gods. Relationships take effort. It is hard work and a successful relationship is not shared 50/50, but 100/100. Think about it. Jesus gave up His life so we may live and now we are only willing to give 50% of ourselves when WE CHOOSE to accept His grace.

In conclusion;

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