
Psalm 14
The heart of a fool

The book of Psalms addresses all the feelings one could experience, challenges we might face and also offers guidance for serving the Lord. Let’s spend some time and discuss these over the next few days or weeks, depending on how the Lord leads us.

The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” (vers 1)

Don’t you think it’s time to be honest with God and the world? Those who do not believe in Him are honest enough to say that He does not exist. Why do we keep quiet and accept this heresy?

It often seems that we are so afraid of people’s opinions and that we are scared of making the necessary sacrifices as believers. Satan is using every possible means to keep us still as we are told of the consequences, should we quote the bible and offend another person.

I am not saying we should bombard people with our (version of the) truth and what we believe God is saying. What I am saying is that we should seek the Lord for guidance in order to understand His will and His truth. David felt that there was not even one who does good. This is true and we are no different.

Can God call us, who believe in Him for our salvation, sons and daughters of righteousness, men and woman after His own heart, like He referred to David, “…I have found that David, the son of Jesse, is a man after my own heart, who will carry out all my wishes.” (Acts 13 v 22) [ISV].

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