
Deut 1 v 1 - 3 v 29
The Greatness of God

O Lord God, you have begun to show your servant Your greatness and Your strong hand; for what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do such works and mighty acts as Yours?” (Deut 3 v 24)

God’s people experienced His greatness and saw His strong hand in their 40 year journey in the wilderness, a journey that apparently shouldn’t have taken longer than 6 weeks or so, but because of their stubbornness, they caused it to be dragged out, for the lessons that had to be learnt, prior to entering the promised land.

Has the Lord shown you an inheritance of some kind and you just cannot seem to reach that destination?

It might be that you are murmuring while on your journey or it could be that you have become distracted along the way, by the temptations of this world…  either way; you have not reached your full potential because you are wandering about in the desert, possibly longing after the things this world has to offer.

Remember that we were called out of this world when we came to faith and the Lord revealed the knowledge of the truth to us.  Once our journey with Him has started, it does not mean that we will never stumble and fall, but when we do, His strong hand will rescue us.

God made a promise to the nation of Israel that He kept and He has also promised us an inheritance, should we choose to obey Him and follow Him all of our days.  Do not allow the enemies to overcome you and the lusts of the flesh to overtake you.

Trust in the Lord’s promise, knowing that He is faithful.  He will never leave you, nor forsake you and you can count on Him to deliver you from evil.  God’s people had to wait for a whole generation to pass before entering the promised land. 

We have the opportunity today to accept the Lord’s promise of eternal life should we surrender to Him.  If you feel like you are lost in the desert, allow the Lord to take you by the hand and lead you into His oasis of living water, for those who drink from His fountain will never thirst again.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation