
Mat 4 v 12-17; Acts 5 v 1 - 16; Ps 8 v 1-9; Gen 21 v 1 - 23 v 20
The Great I AM

Who am I, that the Great I AM would care to call my name? Yet, he made us [only] a little lower than Himself and appointed us to rule over His creation.

He also gave the apostles, who followed Jesus’ teachings, great power to do signs and wonders and also heal the sick and those who were possessed. Jesus, Himself said that a time would come when they will even do greater things (John 14 v 12).

Whether you believe the gifts of the spirit have ended with the apostles or not, one thing is undeniable. The greatest miracle was that God became a man, through the birth of Jesus, His only Son, of a virgin. He didn’t spare His only Son, in order to become a sacrifice for us.

Just look at how Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son, in obedience to the Lord. We know that God would not allow Abraham to kill his own son and provided a substitute, just as He provided a substitute for us in the form of Christ. Are we able to obey God, like Abraham did, not knowing the outcome?

Let us praise God for His splendour and majesty, for His great light that came to shine upon this dark world. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, is our God also and thanks to His act of compassion and love we can have a personal and intimate relationship with our Creator.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation