
Mat 9 v 14-26; Acts 13 v 26-52; Ps 22 v 1-11; Gen 48 v 1-22
The good news

Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that through Him forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you...” (Acts 13 v 38)

The good news was preached to a people who were not willing to be changed from the inside, for it would mean they had to die to self in order to be freed from the bondage of sin and were therefore content with a religious visage.

Although they refused to change, they also prohibited those wanting to accept this truth. They condemned the One who came and preached repentance as well as His followers who continued His good work, until such point that the disciples spread the word to the gentiles, who in turn accepted the good news.

We are so privileged and blessed to have God’s written word and His Spirit to teach us and yet we still often prefer to hide behind our own religion where we have molded God into something or someone that is content with our form of worship.

When will we realise that God is not dependent on us nor does He have to please us. Although He longs for fellowship with us, He cannot compromise, for He is perfect in every possible way. Do not allow your heart to be hardened like the people of those times when you come to the knowledge of the truth.

May the Lord open our spiritual eyes and ears so that we may see the work of His hands and hear the good news of His grace through forgiveness of sins. Believe with your heart, and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and that He was indeed raised from the grave as it was prophesied.

I thank the Lord for His kindness, patience and love as well as His underserved mercy. Make a commitment today. Abide in His word and He will abide in you. Continue in His grace and He will accomplish His good work through you.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation