
Mat 5 v 13-20; Acts 7 v 1-38; Ps 11 v 1-7; Gen 27 v 1 - 28 v 22
The God of yesterday, today and tomorrow

In reading these passages, I see the perfect harmony of God’s inspired word, having the assurance that He is who He says He is and that He is the same – yesterday, today and tomorrow. He is the God of History, unchanging and everlasting.

In reading these passages, I realise that we fall short of God’s glory every day and yet He grants us the grace we require to turn back to Him, should we have wandered off into the wilderness for a while, still not having found what we were looking for.

In reading these passages, I understand just enough to know that we see in part, not always fully understanding God’s plan for us, although we should put our faith and subsequently our trust in Him, because He makes all things work for good for those who love Him.

In reading these passages, I have the confidence to stand on God’s word, knowing it’s true, inerrant, infallible and timeless. His words will never fade away and just as many of the prophesies have come to pass, there are quite a few still to materialize and we can rest assured that God will not disappoint us.

In reading these passages, it becomes clear that Jesus is our deliverer, ruler and judge. He delivered us from evil, from Satan’s claws when He overcame sin on our behalf. He is the head of the church who will also rule over all the earth and He is the judge of the living and the dead.

Everything in the Bible is ultimately about Him. He is the focus from beginning to end. How blessed are we, having read God’s word and coming to the knowledge of HIS truth. Not having to doubt history. Trusting in Him today and looking forward to an eternity with the one who created us, saved us and will finally redeem us.

Jesus, Yeshua, our Messiah. To Him be all the glory, power and honour. Forever and ever. Amen.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation