
Mat 25 v 31-46; Rom 9 v 1-18; Ps 61 v 1-8; Num 33 v 1-36 v 13
The God of justice and mercy

I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion” (Rom 9 v 15)

It is often said that if there was a God, the world wouldn’t be in so much chaos or if God was a God of love why would He then allow all the heart ache and suffering and also instruct His people to kill others?

Surely, if God is the moral lawgiver, He can be the judge of that law and we need to investigate the reasons for the world falling into disarray and why a God of love can allow pain and suffering. In Matthew 25 Jesus is very clear on the outcome for those who didn’t live according to His law of grace.

Are we to judge Him for judging us? That would be like saying there is no such thing as absolute truth – to which we would respond – is that absolutely true?

There is a certain expectation if you claim to be a child of God and follower of Jesus and we continually fall short, because of our sinful nature. This shouldn’t stop us from doing God’s work in a fallen world. In Romans, chapter 9, Paul says that he wishes himself accursed for the sake of his brothers and we can clearly see the verdict for those who are accursed in Matthew 25.

So then it does not depend on the man who wills or the man who runs, but on the God who has mercy” (Rom 9 v 16)

There is a famous line in a 90’s blockbuster movie, “The future is not set. There is no fate, but what we make for ourselves.”

This is the view many people hold today, seeing that they are trying to avoid the inevitable judgement of our Lord, Jesus. We live in a time of ignorance and denial. The mainstream evangelical church is heading towards a great falling away and we can see this happening more and more, every day.

Amidst all this chaos, hurt, hatred and suffering, there is hope. The God of justice is also a God of mercy, slow to anger. Why do you think He has not yet wiped out the whole world, AGAIN? This is because He made a promise and we can take God on His word.

Regardless of our shortcomings, God’s grace (undeserved mercy) is not based on how good we may think we are or the “good” works we have done, but because of what He has done on the cross. As mentioned before, we ought to help our brothers in Christ, but the only thing that can save us out of this fallen world is the grace of God.

I choose to serve a just and loving God, who is righteous in all that He does. We are here to learn the lessons needed to prepare us for eternity. Even though it seems that the unrighteous is leading the race, God’s justice will prevail in the end for their reward will be according to their deeds.

Trust in the Lord for our salvation, knowing that His love endures forever and His grace is abundant.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation