May we proclaim Jesus as the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE in such a way that people’s souls will long after Him and would want to leave their old, sinful lifestyle. May we stand firm in our belief of the risen Lord – today, tomorrow and the rest of this earthly journey. Join me in prayer today and do not be discouraged. We have the power of the Spirit and is able to do all things through Him who has saved us from the clutches of evil. All glory to God, the Father, The one and only Messiah, Yeshua and the Spirit of Truth, empowering us to live a Christ filled and Christ centered life. Amen!!!

Sunday, 5 May
The SHOES of peace
John 14 v 27

I believe only Jesus can give true peace (shalom) through His Spirit that abide in us. Therefore let us prepare ourselves with this GOSPEL of PEACE to go out and spread the Good News. My prayer is that the Lord will call each one of us, where we are – regardless our circumstances – to share something about His love, kindness, compassion and His kingdom in season.

May He direct you to someone in need, whether family, a friend or a complete stranger. May He even send someone to you and me who is in dire straits and in desperate need of our Saviour. Pray with me that the Spirit will lead us to say what is needed knowing that THEN His words will not return empty and accomplish all He desires (Is 55 v 11) Stand firm in the promise that God will deliver us and protect us from evil. Do not be ashamed of the Gospel and the saving Grace of our Messiah.

May you be the instrument in God’s hands to bring someone to faith. Love one another [like Christ loved us] knowing that love covers a multitude of sins (1 Pet 4 v 8). May the Lord equip us with His miracle working power to do His work so that others too can share in the banquet He has prepared for us. His peace and grace be upon you today! Thank you Lord for your sacrifice so that we may truly live a Christ filled life. 🙏

Monday, 6 May
Application and prayer

I pray for the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit today. I trust that we will be prepared to do the work of God, where we are and with what we have. May our minds be renewed, the attitudes of our hearts changed and the longing to lead someone to Christ burn like a fire in your soul. Be alert at all times and sober in the spirit. Thank you Lord for your saving grace. 🙏

Tuesday, 7 May
Pray in the SPIRIT on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests, dedicated especially to the elections to be free and fair (regardless of opinion), for the the leaders to be convicted and drawn to God and for people to put their trust in the Lord and not in men.

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