My prayer today, according to Eph 1 v 13 is that we will continue to hear the message of truth, the gospel of our salvation, just as we did when we came to faith. Also, let us continue to listen to the voice of truth – the Holy Spirit – who intercedes for us. If we stay faithful to His Word and live according to His truth, the Lord will not withhold His compassion from us and His loving kindness and truth will continue to preserve us (Ps 40 v 11) Have a blessed day 🙏

Friday, 3 May
The SWORD of the Spirit
Heb 4 v 12

“For the WORD of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged SWORD, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”

Whether this scripture refers to Jesus or the bible or both, I don’t see a life of victory over sin without Him. He judges our thoughts and attitudes of our hearts so let’s be honest about the state of our soul and have Jesus penetrate our innermost being through His Spirit so that we may bare fruit according to His will.

Allow Him to bring devision between the lusts of the flesh and His spirit within us. This is a life changing event and we can only fight this battle that rages in our flesh with his Spirit leading the way. Allow Him to enter in and strengthen your faith so that we can stand firm in our walk with Him today. Blessings in Jesus

Saturday, 4 May
Application and prayer

These are my thoughts for today and trust you will be edified by it. Pray at all times that we remain faithful to the Lord. Question? How do we – for lack of a better word – utilize the SWORD of the SPIRIT? Do we use it to cut off people’s ears? Do we use it as our book of judgement or to justify our (own) belief system as christians? Or, do we use it as our reference and source towards a holy lifestyle?

Our guide and compass revealing the true nature of God? My prayer brothers in Christ is that the Holy Spirit will open our hearts, eyes, minds and ears so that we may [utilize] the SWORD of the SPIRIT in the form of the Word of God in order to spread the Good News and the Gospel of the Kingdom in LOVE and with COMPASSION. May we be known by our fruits, led by the Spirit to give a word in season and not through our own efforts.

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