Will we have faith in Him for who He is or put our trust in our own faith?! Stand firm in your faith today knowing you can withstand any attack from the devil. Fix your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face and the things of this world will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.

Tuesday, 30 April
Application and prayer

My prayer for today is that the Lord will be your STRENGTH, your ROCK, your DELIVERER, your FORTRESS, your STRONGHOLD, your SHIELD and your SALVATION (Psalms). Trust in Him and take refuge in Him. That is the only thing that has kept me standing brothers through my trials and tribulations, which all of us have to endure. Our shield of faith will keep our hearts from longing after the lusts of the flesh and pride of life. May the Lord keep you safe today and pour out the riches of his blessings upon you and your loved ones. All glory to the living God we serve. Amen

Wednesday, 1 May
The BELT of truth
Ps 86 v 11, Eph 4 v 15 and Ps 15 v 1,2

What is this TRUTH or should I rather ask WHO is this truth? John 17 v 17 says “… thy Word is truth”. We know that The Word has always been there and the Word became flesh.. so is it safe to say that Jesus is This Truth and to know Him is to know TRUTH? You are thinking that you knew that, right?

Then again, It’s one thing to know (about) The Truth, it’s another thing to trust in this Truth, to live according to the Truth through righteousness, to believe the Truth and to love the Truth.. as brothers in Christ, who is the Head of the body let’s pray that the Spirit (of truth) will lead us into ALL Truth – in order that we may stand (and walk) upright and blameless before our King! May we dwell in His presence, knowing that His Truth directs our thoughts and that we may have undivided hearts longing after the Truth – our Messiah – Jesus.

May His Truth set us free from the temptations of this world and what it has to offer. Thank you Jesus for your truth, spoken to us through your Word. Wash us clean, white as snow that we may enter the Holy of Holies. Amen 🙏🙏

Thursday, 2 May
Application and prayer

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