My prayer for today is that God will grant us the same attitude of mind toward each other, that Jesus had, so that we may glorify Him with one voice and one mind (Rom 15 v 5-6). Let’s go out today with the notion that God can do just that, knowing that we are dependant on Him for that gift. Do not conform to the ideas of the world (or our own for that matter), but allow God to transform our minds today and each day to follow. All the Glory to the Lord our God! Amen

Saturday, 27 April
The BREASTPLATE of righteousness
Ps 5 v 12 and Phil 3 v 9

What does the breastplate protect? Our hearts, off course. Our hearts that are deceitful and wicked above all things. Our heart which is the source of pride, for it is that which comes out of a man that defiles him. What (or whom) is your source of righteousness? What (or whom) determines your righteousness? If you define it yourself, you will not receive the Lord’s blessing, His favour. Our faith alone in Our Messiah alone should be our source of righteousness and nothing else.

I pray that the Spirit will govern our hearts and protect us from the onslaughts of the enemy. May He guard your heart so that the devil cannot find any way to defile you. May He keep our hearts pure so that we can be in right standing with the Lord. Stand firm knowing that the Lord has delivered us and now that we have a choice, a free will, we can overcome, through His grace, off course. Amen

Sunday, 28 April
Application and prayer

This is my prayer brothers in Christ. That you will go out today – empowered by the Holy Spirit and justified by the blood of Jesus and the grace freely received through his sacrifice (Rom 5 v 9, Rom 3 v 24 – 25) in order to be in right standing with AND walk in the righteousness of God. May He protect you and guard your heart against every evil intention as our battle is spiritual and we are vulnerable without his covering. Have a peaceful and blessed day.

Monday 29 April
The SHIELD of faith
2 Cor 5 v 6 – 7

“We walk by faith and not by sight” for faith comes through hearing and is the confidence in what we hope for and assurance of what we don’t see (Heb 11 v 1). For this reason Abraham’s faith (and trust) was reckoned unto him as righteousness. Will we trust in the Lord today and follow Him regardless the cost?

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