Let’s prepare today to put on the full armour of God in order to stand firm in our faith and trust in Him rather than men and institutions. Surrender to the Lord today. Pray with me that He will hear our prayers for strength and humility as we kneel before His thrown. Start this day knowing that the Lion of Judah is our rock and our salvation! Amen

Wednesday, 24 April
Ephesians 6 v 14 – 18

Today, before we step out into this world, put on the FULL armour of God beloved brothers. If your day has already reached noon, like our friend down under, I know that you are walking in faith, prepared to withstand the onslaught from the devil. I realize more and more, each day, that we are fighting a spiritual battle and need to prepare and wage war in a spiritual manner and therefore require these spiritual weapons.

Do not neglect any of them. Stand firm in what you believe knowing that our prize awaits us should we overcome this world. I pray that our Heavenly Father will strengthen you and refresh your faith. Have a blessed day knowing that whatever comes your way, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Amen

This serves as a reminder of where we come from. The only thing we can boast about is our salvation in Christ, who saved a wretch like me! Be cautious that we don’t become so proud, having a knowledge of the truth that we hurt people through our words and actions, thinking we are giving them a (our) version of the truth, while only seeing in part anyway. I thank the Lord for His grace 🙏

Thursday, 25 April
The HELMET of salvation
2 Cor 10 v 3 – 6

Do not allow your mind to drift away from your purpose you have in Christ by taking captive your every thought that is not in line with God’s Word – with His help off course. As believers we should have the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2 v 16). I pray that the Lord will cleanse our hearts and minds and direct each and every thought to reflect His Holiness. Having put on the FULL armour of God, the filth of this world should not enter into our minds, unless we let our guard down. Stand firm and be vigilant in this battle, knowing that Jesus has overcome this world!!!

Friday, 26 April
Application and prayer

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