
Acts 1 v 1 - 11
The first church

Acts tells the story of how the first century church was established and begins where the gospels leave off. It continues describing the 30 years after Jesus ascended to heaven.

Please follow our study on “the book of Acts” if you would like to journey through this amazing piece of history. I would just like to mention one thing after working through the life and teachings of Jesus.

Have you ever paused for a moment to think WHY? Why would the disciples continue preaching this gospel of the resurrected Christ if they didn’t believe it to be true themselves, facing immense persecution, “even to the point of death”?

There was a time during Jesus’ ministry when they questioned many things and struggled to believe, but during the period, before His ascension, when Jesus taught them about the Kingdom and the things to come they believed wholeheartedly.

It is two thousand years later and the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection is still proclaimed by many. In fact, countries like Iran, South Korea and China as well as parts of Africa are seeking the Lord more than ever and the number of people turning to Him is astounding.

Why have we become so complacent and comfortable with our “religion” in the modern (western) world, because for many that is all the christian faith has become. Just another chore to tick off the list after attending church or bible study. Fact is, God has not changed and His Word has remained unchanged and that is evident in the Scriptures.

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