
Mat 19 v 16-30; Acts 26 v 19-32; Ps 43 v 1-5; Lev 16 v 1-17 v 16
The first and the last

Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” (Mat 19 v 24)

Where do you stand when it comes to the kingdom of God?

The rich man knew that he was still lacking something, even though he had done so many things right, but when he heard the sacrifice he had to make, he just couldn’t get himself to give up everything he had and follow Jesus.

King Agrippa also knew that Paul’s message involved sacrifice and from this passage it is not clear whether he acknowledged that Paul had actually persuaded him of the truth or simply mentioned to Paul that he could see it was his (Paul’s) intention to “convert” him.

If only we would realize the commitment of God’s people before the time of Jesus. They were instructed to sacrifice in a certain way to set them apart from the other nations who practiced idol worship. They also faulted and worshipped pagan gods, but the point is those who obeyed completely, gave up much to serve the Lord.

Shall we go to the altar of God today and sacrifice everything that is preventing us from fulfilling our purpose, which is to know God and make Him known. To love the Lord our God with our whole existence and our neighbour as ourselves?

Are you willing to give away your “prized possessions” and follow the Lord. This could simply involve giving up certain luxuries that have come between you and the Lord. If you are drawn to the things of this world, starve your flesh and sacrifice its lusts before the Lord today.

The reward is much greater than we can ever comprehend, should we die unto self, and if you are asking “who then can be saved?“, like the disciples did, I say to you that “with God ALL things are possible!“.

He knows your heart and the intentions thereof. He knows your needs (and your wants), your struggles and your fears. In spite of all these challenges, He should be our focus and in seeking His kingdom first, the rest will be given unto us!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation