
1 Kings 13 v 11 - 28
The consequence of disobedience

Instructed by the Lord, not to eat or drink anything in that place, the man of God, disobeyed the Lord and went with the old prophet, who, claiming to have received word from an angel, concerning the man of God, invited him to his house.

Have you disobeyed a clear instruction from the Lord recently and have seen the outcome and regretted not listening to Him or deciding to rather follow your own mind? Has someone else perhaps told you they received a word from the Lord and as a result you responded to their “prophesy” concerning the Lord’s instruction to you?

The man of God paid with his life for not following God’s instruction “to the T“, while opting to listen to a prophet, proclaiming to have received word from an angel, instead of paying attention to the Lord’s direct command.

Be sure to listen to the Lord’s still, small voice and tune your mind to be receptive to His Spirit. My prayer is that The Lord will open your spiritual eyes and ears so that you may follow His instructions faithfully. “Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God” (1 John 4 v 1) [NKJV]

Wishing to you a blessed day in the presence of our Lord and Saviour.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”