
Mat 8 v 14-22; Acts 11 v 19-30; Ps 19 v 1-14; Gen 42 v 1 - 43 v 34
The Christian faith

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.” (PS 19 v 14)

What is our duty as a child of God? Is it not to know Him and make Him known? It can also be summed up in the greatest commandment… “Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and your neighbour as yourself.

Can it be said about us, that we are “full of the Holy Spirt and of faith“? (Acts 11 v 24). Take a moment today. Pause everything and check yourself to see whether you are in the faith or in the world…

If you were to stand in front of the Lord today, to give account of your life, have your actions reflected His love, compassion and grace? Was your heart set on serving and obeying His commandment(s)? Have you lived a life, dedicated to serving others, for Jesus said that whatever you have done to someone else, you have, in effect, done it to Him…

My biggest concern, and so it should be, is that I might be lukewarm. I do not want to be deceived thinking I am living for God, just to find out that I have actually lived for (my)self. God’s ways are not our ways and our standards fall short of His.

The sooner we start living according to His standards, the sooner we will see that we are in desperate need of repentance, every day! Yes, you were saved when you accepted God’s salvation. You are being saved, everyday, in your walk with Christ. You will be saved (and redeemed), when Jesus returns and finds you among the faithful few.

Do not believe for one moment that you are “once saved, always saved“, for this is simply not true. Run this race until the end, for he who endures, will be saved!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation