
Acts 1

May the Lord also equip and empower us for this journey ahead, and baptize us with the Holy spirit, to do the work of His kingdom, which is not of this world.  Be prepared to lay down your life (self) and take up your cross and follow His command.

Acts 2

I think we can take a lesson from the book of Acts and here in chapter two we can already see the wonder working power of the Holy spirit and how we ought to go about sharing the gospel with others. 

Thank you Lord that we can have confidence in your resurrection, knowing you have overcome death and because of that we can proclaim your living word to those in need of salvation.  Amen

Acts 3

My prayer this morning is that those that we know of who are in need of (physical) healing are also healed spiritually and that they will come to faith.  Do you know anyone who requires both physical healing (if it be God’s will) and more importantly, spiritual healing?  Let us pray for their salvation. 

After healing the lame person, Peter preaches repentance, for a time of restoration will come and we would not want to be found, cut off from other believers and more importantly the Lord, our Saviour and redeemer.  What a terrible day, the return of the Lord for those that refuse to turn from their wicked ways, but what a time of refreshing for us if we stay faithful to Him.  Amen

Acts 4

Amazing how the religious leaders of that time were threatened by what Jesus was doing and His apostles were preaching.  They were fearless and regardless of being thrown into prison, they continued to proclaim the good news.  Are we willing to stand in front of the authorities and exult Jesus and elevate the truth about His death and resurrection?  My prayer is this – may the Lord enable us to speak His word with great boldness and conviction.  Have a blessed Friday brothers

Acts 5 shows us once again that people will go to any length to protect their own interest.  “We must obey God rather than human beings” (vers 29) and be willing to “suffer disgrace for THE Name [of Christ]” (vers 41).  Do not fear people brothers.  Some will oppose you and even persecute you, while others, like the pharisee, Gamaliel, will stand up for (y)our cause.  Continue to serve God, regardless the outcome.  If this fellowship is from God, like I believe it is, we will prevail, with Him on (y)our side.

In Acts 6 we learn 2 things and I believe once again it points to the body and each member doing their part for the greater cause.  Firstly, some might be blessed and able to provide in the daily needs of others, even though we can all share (no matter how little), with someone in need and if there is someone among us who require help we should also be able to share what we can. 

Secondly, we can all pray (for those with physical needs) and share the gospel for everyone is spiritually hungry and thirst, unknowingly, after the truth, until such time that they come to the saving knowlede of Christ.  Take note that we will always have opposition when proclaiming the truth, but that should not discourage us from ministering the word of God in season and in love.  Yours in Christ

Acts 7

Thank you Lord that we can be confident in the biblical history on account of Stephen’s address to the Religious authority in Acts 7.  Open our hearts, eyes, ears and mind to the full meaning and understanding of your word and the working of your spirit.  May we too, be bold like Stephen, willing to die to self and if need be, give up our lives for the sake of the gospel of truth, which brings everlasting life.  May you be exulted heavenly Father.

Acts 8

How wonderfully amazing is the message from Acts 8!  Anyone and everyone believing in the Name of Jesus and that He is the Son of God can and will be saved.   Let us preach the good news, preach Jesus, dear brothers.  Use your gift of grace to benefit others and allow them to also share in the wedding feast prepared for us. Have a blessed day.

Acts 9

The power of the gospel is evident in Acts 9 and brought a man who once persecuted believers, to his knees, now willing to suffer the same fate as the religious wanted to kill him for preaching Jesus.  Are we also willing to suffer for His Name sake?  Do not be ashamed of the gospel brothers for we will not be disappointed when we lay down our own lives so that others may be saved.  Amen

Acts 10

This theme of salvation that is free for everyone to receive, believing in the death and resurrection of the Messiah – believing in His Name, for we cannot be saved by any other name under heaven – I believe is not only chapter 10’s focus, nor only in the book of Acts but a thread running throughout the whole bible. 

“I most certainly understand now that God is not one to show partiality, but in every nation the man who fears Him and does what is right is welcome to Him.” (V 34 & 35).  I believe God will gather a remnant from all the nations and religions who turn to Him and accepts Jesus as Lord, when the time comes.  May we be found among those who (continue to) believe

Acts 11

My prayer for today is that the Lord will use us like He did with Peter in chapter 11.  Let’s not stand in God’s way – not that we control Him – but be available for the work of His kingdom.  If we are not willing, He will find a suitable replacement to further His work.    God has granted the (grace and) repentance to everyone, therefore be willing to preach to all and anyone in love and with compassion for a famine of the word will come over this world and people will then want to seek God when it’s too late

Acts 12 v 5

“So Peter was kept in the prison, but prayer for him was being made fervently by the church of God”. 

Once again proof of the power of prayer.  Is there someone today whom you know is in desperate need of God’s salvation and deliverance?  Let us pray as one in the spirit and trust that God will make all things work for the good of those who love Him.  Have a blessed (Mon)day

Acts 13

What a beautiful summary of the plan of salvation in chapter 13 showing that the power of the gospel could not even be haltered by those caught up in religious beliefs, attempting to oppose the good news that was preached and when turning to the gentiles, they simply believed, seeing that there was no religious barrier keeping them from accepting the truth. 

Let’s not waste this gift of salvation brothers.  Stand firm in your faith and continue the good work started by those who sacrificed everything for the sake of the gospel.  Have a blessed day and rejoice like the disciples of old.  Amen

Acts 14

I noticed yesterday’s passage is actually from chapter 14…  let us not be a stumbling block for those looking for the truth by laying a burden on them like some have done in chapter 15, which is also found today in some interpretations of our faith.  There are certain things we as believers should not engage in and those are set out in this chapter. 

We are free in Christ in the sense that we are no longer under the bondage of sin and would therefore not want to do certain things anyway…  love the Lord with all your heart brothers and your neighbour as yourself and there will not be any room for the lusts of this world.  Blessings in Jesus

Acts 15

Dear brothers, “…………through many tribulations we must enter the kingdom of God.” (Chapter 15 v 22).  There will always be those who oppose the good news, whether they are religious or not and this will increase in the last days as we move closer and closer to the end times.  This is evident in the relentless onslaught on our freedom of speech and christian beliefs.  Continue in the faith and prepare yourselves for persecution for a time of tribulation is coming.  May the Lord protect us and keep us safe during this time of testing.  Blessings in Jesus Name

Acts 16

From the passage in chapter 16 and even Jesus’ own words we see that you and I will be persecuted for His Name sake.  Knowing His truth will prevail, this should serve as encouragement to continue running the race.  Be prepared and be willing brothers to suffer for a little while during our journey here on earth, knowing you will be united with our Saviour in the not so distant future.  May we, like Paul and Silas remain faithful to the end.  Amen

I will be taking a break this weekend and resume on Monday.  Have a blessed weekend

Acts 17

The altar read “to an unknown God”…   they just hadn’t made the connection yet…  Paul explained it so beautifully and some believed based on his testimony.  I thank the Lord who is a living God for knowing Him intimately and having made the connection let us serve Him wholeheartedly brothers.  Praise the Lord of heaven and earth with your whole being.  Amen

Acts 18

May we also be as bold as Paul and the brethren in chapter 18 when proclaiming the truth of our Lord Jesus.  Religion has the ability to harden people’s hearts and makes it even tougher to get through, but as long as we approach people in love and plant that seed, the Spirit will take over and water that seed. 

Do not be dismayed when you get rejected brothers, pray fervently for those in need of salvation.  Thankyou Brendan for taking the time to present those people with the good news.  May the Lord bless your efforts and may they reap the fruit of salvation.  Remember brothers, “we are simply beggers showing the other beggars where the bread is.” Amen

Acts 19

Brothers, when God empowers us, great things happen like you can see in chapter 19 while those faking miracles and wonders will not last.  As mentioned previously we will always have opposition but as long as we do His will and listen to His Spirit, the truth will prevail.  Continue running the race as there will be many challenges along the way. 

Do not be dismayed for you have brothers in Christ praying for you.  Paul probably had one of the toughest callings but simply trusted in the Lord’s provision.  Let us exercise our faith like he did and we will not be disappointed.  Blessings in Jesus

Acts 20 v 24

“But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God [and the return of of our Lord]. 

May we, like Paul, stand with a clean and sober consience before our brothers and the Lord, knowing that we preached the truth about His death and resurrection, His grace and His kingdom and the age to come.  May the Lord equip us to do His work while there is still time for His coming is nearer than we might think.  Amen

Acts 21

describes how they also wanted to kill Paul and do away with Him as they did with Jesus, for bringing a message “foreign” to their belief system, threatened by the idea that they now had the freedom to serve God through following Jesus and no longer through rituals and sacrifices. This would mean they had to become living sacrifices and just didn’t like the idea of giving up the comfort religion had to offer. 

Does this sound familiar?  May Paul’s work live on in our lives.  Let us carry on with what was started back then.  It was a revolution that took place without force showing the power of God’s love and how it changed the lives of ordinary men.  Thank you Lord for your Word, Spirit, death and resurrection and how you gave us new life through the second birth.   We honour your Holy Name Heavenly Father.  Amen

Acts 22

Dear brothers, do you also look back at your life before knowing Christ, just like Paul did in Acts 22?  One can almost feel the shame and sense the guilt Paul still felt, for persecuting believers, even though he knew he had been forgiven.  I believe it’s simply natural to feel that way, especially if you have gone to the lengths he did to persecute those following “ the Way”. 

Are there things in your life that you still feel guilty about?  Things that happened many years ago…  my prayer is that all of us will receive the Lord’s peace, true Shalom, knowing that we have been forgiven.  Look up to the heavens and know that we have been delivered from evil.  Rest assured that the blood of the Lamb has cleansed us from all sin.  Stay on the straight and narrow and fix your eyes on Jesus.  He is the way, truth and life.  Amen

Acts 23

Can you just imagine the extent they had gone to in order to get rid of Paul in chapter 23?  Religious men plotting to kill a man preaching the good news…  I guess that was the issue, wasn’t it?  He threatened the very heart of their belief system.  I think he was one of the few who had a taste of what Jesus had to endure…  then again, could anyone begin to understand His suffering?!  I thank the Lord for His life giving sacrifice and know that He will comfort us should we have to face Paul’s (and the other’s challenges).  Amen

Acts 25

You shall not commit murder…  you shall not bear false witness…  these people who acted contrary to the law they regarded so highly, were caught out in chapter 25, plotting to kill Paul (again) and bring false charges against him.  So what was he actually accused of (again)?  But it’s not only them, the high priests, the elders, the governor all entertained these false accusations. 

This is, off course nothing new and throughout the ages until today there are many who also lie for their own benefit and to stay in certain positions.  May we stand with a clear consience before our fellow man and God, be honest and transparent in all our dealings and bear the fruit of the spirit so that others can see we are children of God.  Have a blessed day.

In chapter 26

Paul states that He only proclaimed what the prophets said would happen and for this he would stand trial – that God raised Jesus from the dead and through repentance and believing in Him they would receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who have been sanctified by faith in Him (v 18). 

Why was it so incredible for them to believe that God raised the dead (v 8)?  If they were to believe that, their whole religious system would fall to pieces as they (jews and other sects) still believe Jesus’ body was stolen or even more rediculous, possibly eaten by dogs…  I thank the Lord for the power of His word and spirit that is evident in the lives of His children and for the testimonies of those witnesses proclaiming He appeared to them. 

What stands out is that ordinary people like Paul would sacrifice their lives for this truth.  I don’t believe for a moment they would have gone to such lengths if they had any doubt in the resurrection.  Thank you Lord for men like Paul who paved the way so that we can believe.

The event in Acts 27 could have easily turned out disastrous for everyone and had they perhaps listened to Paul they wouldn’t have had to endure the persistent and life threatening storm…  how often do we listen to God’s still small voice through His spirit and simply choose to ignore it and end up in quite a bit of deep and turmoil waters. 

Sometimes God does come to our rescue, depending on our attitude and willingness to submit, while other times we have to learn the lessons and as a result end up ship wrecked in the midst of a storm…  has God shown you that you will go through a tough and challenging time, but that you and your family will not be harmed?  Continue to trust in Him and throw everything overboard that is keeping you from submitting fully to to His will.  🙏 Have a wonderfully blessed week in the presence of our Saviour.

What an amazing journey through Acts and in the last chapter Paul quotes Isaiah in vers 26 and 27 which basically sums up the state of man and the freedom we have to either choose God or reject Him like many have done who did not want to believe and simply walked away (v 24).  Interesting that he would refer to understanding with one’s heart and not mind as you would normally think… well, nothing God does is according to the norm and standard which man has appointed. 

I don’t believe its a matter of the mind and intellect as much as it is a matter of the heart.  It’s not that man doesn’t understand intellectually, but instead prefers not to allow their heart to accept the reality of the God of creation.  They don’t want God to exist…  instead, they want to be god (Gen 3 v 5).  I thank our heavenly Father, Jesus, our Lord and saviour and the Holy Spirit as One, for the salvation, we have received, granted freely.

Dear brothers.  I was so blessed by the journey through Acts with Paul and the others and trust you were also edified through it.  I thank the Lord daily for His goodness, kindness, love and grace, knowing that He provides in our needs and sustains us physically and spiritually.  I pray that He will restore your spirit, should you feel spiritually weak and heal your soul, should you feel hurt or sad.  He is our rock and the source of our salvation and will not disappoint us, neither forsake nor leave us. 

Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and seek His will in everything you do.  I speak to myself first when I say trust in the Lord like Paul did and allow His spirit to lead you in your daily walk with Him.  What a wonderful thought, knowing we serve a living God and we can see how He works in our lives, although we walk by faith and not by sight, His blessings are evident and abundant!  Amen

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