After healing the lame person, Peter preaches repentance, for a time of restoration will come and we would not want to be found, cut off from other believers and more importantly the Lord, our Saviour and redeemer.  What a terrible day, the return of the Lord for those that refuse to turn from their wicked ways, but what a time of refreshing for us if we stay faithful to Him.  Amen

Acts 4

Amazing how the religious leaders of that time were threatened by what Jesus was doing and His apostles were preaching.  They were fearless and regardless of being thrown into prison, they continued to proclaim the good news.  Are we willing to stand in front of the authorities and exult Jesus and elevate the truth about His death and resurrection?  My prayer is this – may the Lord enable us to speak His word with great boldness and conviction.  Have a blessed Friday brothers

Acts 5 shows us once again that people will go to any length to protect their own interest.  “We must obey God rather than human beings” (vers 29) and be willing to “suffer disgrace for THE Name [of Christ]” (vers 41).  Do not fear people brothers.  Some will oppose you and even persecute you, while others, like the pharisee, Gamaliel, will stand up for (y)our cause.  Continue to serve God, regardless the outcome.  If this fellowship is from God, like I believe it is, we will prevail, with Him on (y)our side.

In Acts 6 we learn 2 things and I believe once again it points to the body and each member doing their part for the greater cause.  Firstly, some might be blessed and able to provide in the daily needs of others, even though we can all share (no matter how little), with someone in need and if there is someone among us who require help we should also be able to share what we can. 

Secondly, we can all pray (for those with physical needs) and share the gospel for everyone is spiritually hungry and thirst, unknowingly, after the truth, until such time that they come to the saving knowlede of Christ.  Take note that we will always have opposition when proclaiming the truth, but that should not discourage us from ministering the word of God in season and in love.  Yours in Christ

Acts 7

Thank you Lord that we can be confident in the biblical history on account of Stephen’s address to the Religious authority in Acts 7.  Open our hearts, eyes, ears and mind to the full meaning and understanding of your word and the working of your spirit.  May we too, be bold like Stephen, willing to die to self and if need be, give up our lives for the sake of the gospel of truth, which brings everlasting life.  May you be exulted heavenly Father.

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