
Psalm 1 v 1 - 3
The blessings and reward for obedience

Who do you associate with? Do you spend time with those who mock the Lord and then simply turn a deaf ear? Do you accompany those who devise “evil” and remain silent? Jesus didn’t. What does the Lord then, expect from His children?

It is written that God seeks obedience. He is not pleased with offerings, nor does He delight in lip service, but if we refrain from evil (thoughts and desires), delight in His law and meditate on His Word day and night, we will be blessed [made holy].

Back to the initial question. Does this mean we should avoid people? Not at all. Jesus didn’t. We are exposed to people and the elements of this fallen world on a daily basis and so was He. You cannot change people, but you can stand up for your belief in God, should they be outspoken about Him. Remember, anything you say or do in the Name of the Lord and His Word, should be done in love and with compassion, just like Jesus did.

The reward for obedience is this. You will be like a tree, firmly planted, bearing fruits in season, of which the leaves do not wither (become dry). You will prosper (flourish and thrive) in everything you do.

Your focus, therefore, as a follower of Jesus, should revolve around obedience to Him, instead of pleasing people. You should still love your neighbour as yourself, regardless of their worldview, as God instructs us to do.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”