
1 Samuel 17 v 32 - 33; 43 - 50
The battle is the Lord's

Which Giants are you facing?

Whether you are a young christian or mature follower of Jesus, we all have a giant or two taunting us and we have to confront them head on, just like David did.

He had the faith of a Giant, courageous, with a strong mind, standing up to the biggest challenge of his life thus far. Not afraid, knowing that God would deliver the enemy into his hands.

Do we rely on the Lord, like David did or does the very thought of conflict cause your “heart to fail”?

The battle is the Lord’s, but we have to face our fears and challenges, knowing He will see us through. He will give you the strength and heart like that of David, who rushed up to the battle line to face the enemy.

We serve a living, powerful and personal God, who will never leave you, nor forsake you. Put your trust and your hope in Him and He will give you the victory over your giants.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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