
Psalm 15 v 3
Taking up reproach

We are discussing the 10 standards, mentioned in Psalm 15 for those who “dwell in the presence of the Lord“.

Are you easily offended when someone else is harmed, by another person you may or may not know, and it feels as if it were done to you? This results in feelings of reproach and contempt for that person, even though they may not seem bothered and don’t even realize what they have done, may have caused harm to the other person…

There are two scenarios that immediately come to mind. There are probably more… The first, someone you know is hurt through the actions or words of another person you may or may not know. The second, someone you do not know personally, or may only be familiar with becomes a victim of another person’s actions.

How do you respond in these situations? Do you become bitter and angry and respond in a way that harms your testimony and allow the situation to take away your peace? What does the Lord expect from us?

God calls us to be peacemakers in Matthew 5 v 9 and this is obviously possible if you know the person, right? So what is your advice to the person you know? Do you encourage them to take revenge because of what was said or done to them, or do you pray with them for forgiveness?

The second scenario is more challenging. You do not know the person or might only be familiar with them or it could be an acquaintance of a friend, colleague or family member. The situation is out of your hands, anyway, so how do you go about it, when this person is seemingly harmed through the actions of someone else?

Do we pause for a moment to think that this “culprit” is also loved by God and made in His image…? They might even be professing christians, having gone astray somewhat. We do not know their circumstances, nor do we know their hearts. Only God knows and we should leave it up to Him to judge rightfully and righteously.

Do not allow something like this to steal your joy and peace. Turn to the Lord for guidance instead and learn to forgive others their trespasses just as we are forgiven ours.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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