
Mat 10 v 21-42; Acts 15 v 22-41; Ps 24 v 1-10; Ex 1 v 1 - 3 v 22
Take up your cross

And he who does not take [up] his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of me.” (Mat 10 v 38)

What does it mean to take up your cross and follow after Him? Perhaps we should ask ourselves if we would have been willing to carry Jesus’ cross just like Simon of Cyrene did?

The apostles took it upon them, inspired by the Holy Spirit to travel and preach the good news of the cross. Soon did they realise how much offense people would take because of the cross, but little did they (the people) know the price that was paid on that cross for their salvation.

What does God expect of His children besides that we should love Him above anyone and everything else? This includes our own life, for if we seek to keep our lives we will lose it and end up separated from the living God.

For me to take up my cross, I have to be willing to suffer for His Name’s sake, just as He suffered for us and follow His lead wherever it may take me. I have to be willing to endure persecution and face my enemies. Are you willing to take up your cross like Moses did?

He had the difficult task ahead of facing Pharaoh to free God’s people. Moses made excuses not to follow through, but the Lord encouraged him and promised Him that He would be with Him all the way and Moses took God on His word.

We can also take God’s word and count on Him, for He is trustworthy, reliable and unchanging. He will see you through and remain with you if you are faithful and remain in Him. Ask God today, what His purpose for your life is and then be prepared to leave your comfort behind, in order to seek His will for your life.

Moses made excuses initially, but eventually agreed. The Israelites murmured while in the wilderness and longed for Egypt, yet many remained faithful and put their trust in God. The journey ahead might be daunting, but God never disappoints.

May He grant you the grace and longsuffering to endure to the end!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation