
Proverbs 12 v 17
Speak truth in your hearts

He who speaks truth, tells what is right.
Everything we do and say, every thought, originates from the heart, which is deceitful and desperately wicked, to begin with and for this reason we rather seek darkness than light, because we are born in sin.

How do we then “speak truth in our hearts”?
The only way, in my opinion, we can do this is when “wickedness becomes an abomination to your lips” (Prov 8 v 7)
Lying no longer becomes an option. Not even telling “a white lie” should cross your mind, for we should have the mind of Christ, according to the Word and He was blameless and knew no sin. This is why we should die to the flesh each day or it will drag us down and cause us to sin. I digress…

Adam and Eve blatantly lied to God and look where that got them. Having free will to do what was right in the Lord’s sight, she said the devil made her do it and he (Adam) said she made him do it. Lying and lack of accountability go hand in hand.

There is more to speaking the truth in your heart than simply telling the truth at all times…
It should become a way of life, living according to the truth of God. His Spirit aligning yours, enabling you to walk in truth according to His principles.

Remember how Pilate asked Jesus, “what is truth?”, after Jesus claimed to be a “witness to the truth”? He then washed his hands in front of the people and even though he stated he could find nothing wrong, handed Jesus over to them, to decide His lot.

Was Pilate truthful in the manner He dealt with Jesus’ hearing? He clearly couldn’t find any truth in their accusations. In retrospect, it makes no difference really, because Jesus had to die for our redemption as it was prophesied.

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