
Malachi 2 v 10 - 17
Sinful behaviour condemned

Do we not all have one father? Has not one God created us? Why do we [then] deal treacherously each against his brother so as to profane the covenant of our fathers?” (vers 10)

When I look at how people treat each other these days, whether they are (so-called) believers or not, I stand amazed at their inability to see their wrong doing.

They simply believe their behaviour or reaction is justified, regardless of the harm it might have caused and then carry on as if nothing has happened after an incident or argument and expect you to do the same…

When you try to point out their wrongdoing and hypocrisy, they are totally… and I mean TOTALLY oblivious to their sinful behaviour, thinking God approves, because He does not strike them down with fire or lighting immediately or allow something terrible to happen to them and I don’t say this irresponsibly.

Their actions are far removed from that which is morally acceptable and it almost seems that they expect God to delight in their behaviour, because they continue to worship Him, even though they have not repented, or so it seems.

We can so easily be blinded, justifying our actions and as a result sweep our sins under the carpet. The God of justice is not blind towards our sins and we will not go unpunished. If God no longer regards your “offering” and does not seem to accept it “with favour from your hand” (vers 13), ask yourself if you are in the faith.

God is not mocked and should not be tested. He seems slow to anger, yet He is never late in dealing with unrepentant sin. Therefore “take heed [pay attention] to your spirit, that you do not deal treacherously.” (vers 16)

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation