
Mat 2 v 1-12; Acts 2 v 1-21; Ps 3 v 1-8; Gen 5 v 1 - 8 v 22
Salvation belongs to the Lord

Herod feared this child who would reign one day, thinking He would take his throne and wanted to kill Him. Those, filled with the Holy Spirit, who spoke in tongues were mocked by the bystanders.

David fled from his son, Absalom, crying out to the Lord and Noah had to depart from the creation with his family, for God would destroy His good work, because of the evil acts committed by mankind.

Sounds to me like the bible is accurate when it says, “the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked above all things” [paraphrase]. There seems to be a mysterious connection between the heart, soul and spirit and whatever comes from the heart (Mat 15 v 9), manifests in the mind prior to execution.

It is written that God searches our hearts. Only He knows our deepest, darkest secrets and pain and it is only God that can heal us and deliver us from our evil behaviour for all have sinned and fall short of His glory.

For this reason, a Saviour was born, offering us the opportunity to re-unite with the Lord, and although we remain in the fallen flesh, our hearts and minds have been renewed as believers in Christ. Salvation is the Lord’s. Only He can save us from our fallen state.

Thank the Lord for the freedom to choose Him and accept His gift of salvation. May He open your heart and mind to the understanding of His written word, so that you will be changed into a new creation, receiving the spirit of life!

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation