
Zechariah 1 v 1 - 6
"Return to Me..."

It has always been an endless struggle between God and His people, Israel, and we are no different. God calls us to repentance every day, yet we choose to put those convictions aside, for tomorrow is another day, right?

When calamity strikes, will we too say, like the people of those days, “as the Lord of hosts purposed to do to us in accordance with our ways and our deeds, so He has dealt with us” (verse 6), or will we repent and return to the Lord?

Just as God has made a promise to His people, as stated in Jeremiah 31 v 31 – 34, “He will forgive their iniquity [transgressions] and their sin, He will remember no more“. This same promise is given to us, should we repent and return from our evil ways and deeds.

There is a constant theme throughout the entire Bible. God made us in His image, perfect! We sinned through disobedience, because we abused our free will and were separated from God. The only way to reconcile with Him, was through the death of His Son.

He therefore put a plan into motion to prepare the way for Jesus. What follows is a story of salvation for all who believed in His coming and for those who now believe in His death and resurrection.

What a beautiful prospect, for those who believe unto Him for their deliverance from certain death. Today is the day, when you hear His voice. Do not ignore the call of the Lord. Accept His free gift of grace through what He did on Calvary.

If you have made a decision for Christ before and find yourself distant from Him. Return to Him today, so that He may return to you!

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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