Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be like wool. (Is 1 v 18) [AMP]

Please join me for this 7-day reading plan focused around the life, death and resurrection of our Messiah, Christ Jesus, and the hope we have through our faith in Him.

Below the Scriptures for each day:

Monday, 15 February 2021
1 Corinthians 15 v 54 - 58

Now I say this brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.” (1 Cor 15 v 50)

Paul says, if Jesus was not raised from the dead, we believe in vain and are “of all men most to be pitied!”

Some belief that Jesus only rose spiritually, while others believe His body was eaten up by dogs and the Jewish people, among others, still believe that His body was stolen by the disciples.

Why then do we (as bible believing Christians), believe He physically rose from the dead and literally ascended to heaven? Is it because we have been taught from a young age that this is what the bible teaches or are we scared to believe anything contrary to what we have been told, because it sounds plausible?

The reason why I ask this is because I don’t believe we always live according to what the Scriptures teach and it is sometimes convenient to believe that which suits us, depending on our circumstances and often this is determined by our mood.

The power of the cross and the miraculous resurrection can not be understood by the carnal mind unless it is renewed, for “the natural man does not understand the things of God, for it is spiritually appraised (discerned)” (1 Cor 2 v 14) [paraphrase]

We are spiritual beings, a soul with a body. This vessel consisting of flesh and blood is temporary and will wither with time and eventually fade away. The mystery of the resurrection lies in the fact that this perishable body will be replaced by an imperishable, heavenly body. Something foreign to those who are bound to this earthly body, thinking everything simply comes to a halt and stops when we die.

I thank the Lord for His sacrifice. He has overcome sin in order for us to live a righteous life, dedicated to God and soon we will overcome death, as long as we remain faithful to the Lord by completing the race.

Stand firm in your faith for your redemption draws near!

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

Tuesday, 16 February
Psalm 130 v 1 - 8

If You, Lord should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?” (vers 3)

How often do you hear people say that they or someone else did not deserve that which had happened to them? The real question is actually this. Do we really get what we deserve?

We have rebelled against God and broke His commandments. Through our iniquities we have broken fellowship with the Lord of heaven and earth. Just think of the consequences at the work place, if you were to break the rules…?

Depending on the severity or nature of the offense, you could either receive a verbal or written warning and in some cases even be dismissed immediately. Why do we think it’s different in our relationship with the Creator?

If we really had to get what we deserve, God would have had to let each one of us hang on a cross. Think about it. He is God and because He created the universe, made certain rules for everything to function correctly. He created us in His image and declared that certain things were off limits.

We disobeyed Him and needed to carry the consequences for our actions. Instead, He put into motion a plan that would bring about the ultimate sacrifice, in the form of His Son. If I am talking to the converted, please forgive me, but if you have not come to the knowledge of the truth, this is critical.

Despite all your wrong doing, there is forgiveness with God (vers 4) and abundant redemption when you hope in the Lord (vers 7) and put your trust in Him. Without God, life is meaningless. What do you live for when you have no purpose?

Are you merely “molecules in motion”, put together through chance by a senseless process, without any real purpose? If that was true, then there is no reason to submit to God, but this isn’t the case. He is the Grand Designer who formed you and gave you a purpose and put in each of us the notion of right and wrong.

Who can speak and have it happen if the Lord has not decreed it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come? Why should the living complain when punished for their sins?” (Lamentations 3 v 37 – 39) [NIV]

Because of the law, there will always be consequences for our sins, but forgiveness is found in the death and resurrection of the One who came to save us from eternal damnation and separation from the One who created us.

Will you ignore your calling to repent and turn to God or like the Psalmist say, “I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, And in His word do I hope”? (vers 5).

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

Wednesday, 17 February 2021
Romans 8 v 18 - 30

Now faith is the assurance (title deed, confirmation) of things hoped for (divinely guaranteed), and the evidence of things not seen [the conviction of their reality—faith comprehends as fact what cannot be experienced by the physical senses]. For by this [kind of] faith the men of old gained [divine] approval.” (Hebrews 11 v 1-2) [AMP]

It is also written that faith comes by hearing and blessed are those that have heard the truth and believe. What is our faith worth then if we do not have hope in that which is unseen?

Although we haven’t seen Christ nor walked with Him, we believe in His death and resurrection, not only based on the evidence, but also because of the conviction in our hearts. Just like Abraham’s faith in what was yet to come was reckoned to him as righteousness, we are also called righteous, through the saving grace of our Messiah.

Our victory is in Christ

We have been justified (declared righteous) by the blood of Christ and sanctified (set apart, purified) daily in our walk with God, through the Spirit that intercedes for us.

We are called to persevere, for those who remain faithful until the end will be saved. Look at it like this. We have been saved, we are being saved and will finally be saved when Jesus returns. This race is not over until God is victorious.

Our security, hope and deliverance is therefore in Jesus. He has called us to live according to His purpose for us, while conforming to His image. Living holy lives, abstaining from the things (in this world) that distract us and prevent us from submitting to His perfect will.

When in doubt, remember this:
God causes ALL things to work together for good to those who LOVE God, and are called according to HIS purpose…” (vers 28)

Let us “wait” eagerly on the Lord, by praying continually, living a life of hope and above all, loving God with our whole being, depending on Him for our existence. Trust in the Lord and His promise to save us out of this world WHEN He returns.

May God be glorified through us for He has set us free from the bondage of sin and will redeem us before “the great and terrible day of the Lord.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

Thursday, 18 February 2021
Acts 2 v 22 - 28

The thought that God gave up part of Himself to become a man, yet remain fully God, is probably one of the greatest miracles and mysteries.

The moment we realise that it was the purpose of Jesus to come and do the will of the Father, and that is to take our sins upon Him and even become sin, so that we may stand in righteousness before God.

Although Jesus had a choice and as a man prayed that the cup would pass Him by, He accepted the will of the Father. How can we even begin to comprehend the agony He had to go through, knowing that if He obeyed, there was only one way it would end.

Yes, he was handed over by men and ultimately killed by them, but this was part of the plan to salvage those He created. It might sound like a contradiction, that “this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God” (vers 23), would be put to death and then He still had a choice…

God’s ways are not ours and His thoughts are not our thoughts. because He is a loving God, He gave us a free will. Jesus used His free will as a Man to accept God’s will as the Father, just as a child would choose to accept their dad’s decision if they truly love him.

May we, like Jesus, choose to live according to the will of God. Use your free will to choose life, obeying God in everything you do. Die to self everyday in remembrance of what Christ did for us on the cross at Calvary!

Please watch this short animation of the crucifixion. This was the best clip I could find to picture what must have taken place in the spiritual realm.

Credit to New Creation Church (Joseph Prince Ministries). I do not necessarily agree with or endorse this ministry, but believe the presentation of this animation to be accurate.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

Friday, 19 February 2021
Lamentations 3 v 21 - 26

[22] “The Lord’s lovingkindness indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. [25] The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him.” (vers 22 and 25)

If you put your hope in anything and anyone other than the Lord, Jesus Christ, then you should reconsider.

There is no one who is perfect, holy, righteous and just, other than our Saviour and salvation is only possible through Him. There is no other way to know the Father and reconcile with Him.

Our hope is in the fact that Jesus has come to restore our relationship with God, through renewing our spirit. We are neither holy nor righteous, but through Him who knew no sin, [He] became sin, so that we could become the righteousness of God (2 Cor 5 v 21) [paraphrase].

This should be our hope, that because He loved us first and because of His faithfulness and grace, we can now come to God, as sinners and receive His forgiveness, when we accept Jesus as the only way to have communion with the living God.

If there are things in your life that prevent you from (re)turning to God, allow Him to save you from the bondage you might find yourself in. There is nothing that God will not forgive, besides blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, therefore you can come to Him in humility and seek forgiveness.

Walk out in hope today, knowing that Jesus’ work is complete, in the sense that He fully paid the price and bought us free. His death and resurrection is our death and resurrection. We should die to self, so that He can live in us through His Spirit.

All the glory and honour to our Lord and Saviour. He is the Lamb of God, that was slain and the Lion of Judah who now reigns!

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

Saturday, 20 February 2021
Genesis 9 v 8 - 17

God made a covenant with Noah that never again would a flood wipe out all the inhabitants of the earth and if God makes a promise we can take it to heart. The first reason is that, if this wasn’t the case, our faith and our hope in Him would be in vain.

The other reason is that He would have to push the reset button every other generation, for man was, is and will always be wicked. God foreknew His plan of salvation, but for those who are bound to time and space, this plan unfolded slowly.

Starting in Genesis, continuing right through the Old Testament, we can see how God was at work to prepare the world for His first coming. There are many types of Jesus in the Old Testament as well as manifestations of Him. Perhaps something to talk about at a later stage.

The promised Messiah came at a time when the people expected someone who would save them from the hands of the Roman empire. Instead He came as an ordinary man, a suffering servant who would die at the hands of those who rejected Him as the only Son of God.

If you are in need of being saved from the dire situation you might find yourself in today, then call on the name of the One who came to gain victory over that which is keeping you from finding God. If you have been disappointed by men, you will not be disappointed when coming to the knowledge of the truth.

Just as God promised Noah and gave a sign for all to see, He promised a Messiah and although there were many signs to prove this, I believe the cross stands out just as it was prophesied… Take God at His word. He is consistent, reliable and trustworthy.

Approximately half of the prophesies in the bible have come to pass. Are you prepared to ignore the facts and take the chance to reject the Lords saving grace? Today is the day, if you hear His voice, do not ignore Him. Call on the Name of the Lord and be saved.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

Sunday, 21 February 2021
1 Peter 1 v 3 - 12

…and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory…” (vers 8)

Why do you believe in Jesus and if you do not believe in Him, what will it take for you to believe in the work that He has done on the cross?

There is this twisted belief that once you become a Christian you will become wealthy, not to mention that no illness will strike you. It is clear from this scripture (vers 6), which is supported by countless other passages, that we will suffer for His Name sake.

There will be trials and tribulation during your walk with Christ. This is to teach you and help you mature in your faith. The reason being that this life is about preparation for what is to come. We can therefore look forward to an eternity with our Lord and Savior and our Creator.

Again, why do you believe in Jesus? Do you wait on Him like the Jewish people longed for someone to come and relieve them from their oppression, therefore it was all about what they could gain from the promised Messiah.

Jesus suffered the most horrible, humiliating death on the cross, something we cannot even begin to comprehend and He Himself said that should we choose to take up our cross and follow Him, we too will experience persecution.

If you have not yet accepted the saving grace of the Lord through His death and resurrection, what is preventing you from receiving His salvation. Is it simply because it doesn’t seem plausible that someone can take our burdens on Him or does it seem impossible for a man to rise from the dead?

Think about this… Why would anyone preach the gospel and be prepared to sacrifice their life for the sake of sinners. Let’s take it further. Why would so many continue to preach what He did and also be prepared to give up their lives for this truth?

We look forward to a time when Jesus will return and just as it was prophesied that He would come the first time, He Himself predicted His own death, resurrection and return to conquer the darkness.

May (the) grace (of God) and (His) peace be yours in the fullest measure” (vers 2) as you receive His forgiveness, His underserved mercy, in order “to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled, which will not fade away, reserved for you in heaven“! (vers 4)

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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