Thursday, 18 February 2021
Acts 2 v 22 - 28

The thought that God gave up part of Himself to become a man, yet remain fully God, is probably one of the greatest miracles and mysteries.

The moment we realise that it was the purpose of Jesus to come and do the will of the Father, and that is to take our sins upon Him and even become sin, so that we may stand in righteousness before God.

Although Jesus had a choice and as a man prayed that the cup would pass Him by, He accepted the will of the Father. How can we even begin to comprehend the agony He had to go through, knowing that if He obeyed, there was only one way it would end.

Yes, he was handed over by men and ultimately killed by them, but this was part of the plan to salvage those He created. It might sound like a contradiction, that “this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God” (vers 23), would be put to death and then He still had a choice…

God’s ways are not ours and His thoughts are not our thoughts. because He is a loving God, He gave us a free will. Jesus used His free will as a Man to accept God’s will as the Father, just as a child would choose to accept their dad’s decision if they truly love him.

May we, like Jesus, choose to live according to the will of God. Use your free will to choose life, obeying God in everything you do. Die to self everyday in remembrance of what Christ did for us on the cross at Calvary!

Please watch this short animation of the crucifixion. This was the best clip I could find to picture what must have taken place in the spiritual realm.

Credit to New Creation Church (Joseph Prince Ministries). I do not necessarily agree with or endorse this ministry, but believe the presentation of this animation to be accurate.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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