Tuesday, 16 February
Psalm 130 v 1 - 8

If You, Lord should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?” (vers 3)

How often do you hear people say that they or someone else did not deserve that which had happened to them? The real question is actually this. Do we really get what we deserve?

We have rebelled against God and broke His commandments. Through our iniquities we have broken fellowship with the Lord of heaven and earth. Just think of the consequences at the work place, if you were to break the rules…?

Depending on the severity or nature of the offense, you could either receive a verbal or written warning and in some cases even be dismissed immediately. Why do we think it’s different in our relationship with the Creator?

If we really had to get what we deserve, God would have had to let each one of us hang on a cross. Think about it. He is God and because He created the universe, made certain rules for everything to function correctly. He created us in His image and declared that certain things were off limits.

We disobeyed Him and needed to carry the consequences for our actions. Instead, He put into motion a plan that would bring about the ultimate sacrifice, in the form of His Son. If I am talking to the converted, please forgive me, but if you have not come to the knowledge of the truth, this is critical.

Despite all your wrong doing, there is forgiveness with God (vers 4) and abundant redemption when you hope in the Lord (vers 7) and put your trust in Him. Without God, life is meaningless. What do you live for when you have no purpose?

Are you merely “molecules in motion”, put together through chance by a senseless process, without any real purpose? If that was true, then there is no reason to submit to God, but this isn’t the case. He is the Grand Designer who formed you and gave you a purpose and put in each of us the notion of right and wrong.

Who can speak and have it happen if the Lord has not decreed it? Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both calamities and good things come? Why should the living complain when punished for their sins?” (Lamentations 3 v 37 – 39) [NIV]

Because of the law, there will always be consequences for our sins, but forgiveness is found in the death and resurrection of the One who came to save us from eternal damnation and separation from the One who created us.

Will you ignore your calling to repent and turn to God or like the Psalmist say, “I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, And in His word do I hope”? (vers 5).

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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