I have been spending quite a bit of time in the Word lately and the more I read the more I see a perfectly just and righteous God, who loved us so much that He would take on human form to teach us what it means to truly love God and others.

He made no exceptions and excluded no one when He died the most terrible death, in order that we may live, should we confess our sins and accept His death as penance. There are basic doctrines believers should adhere to, which are non-negotiable, and then there are secondary issues that doesn’t seem to relate to salvation, yet proclaiming christians would crucify you for not adhering to certain aspects of the law or disagreeing on their take of the “elect”, the rapture, etc.

Each day before posting a devotional I pray and ask the Lord to dictate what I should write, so that nothing comes from my own intellect. Not that I am claiming to be intelligent, but you understand where I am going with this… I firmly believe the Holy Spirit should guide your thoughts and press on your heart what you should publish when you have any form of ministry.

Off course this should be coherent with the Scriptures, but when the focus shifts to one’s knowledge and understanding of what you perceive to be truth you are treading on dangerous grounds. Just look at how the Lord Jesus, enabled the disciples to preach and also heal people and they were fishermen, who even struggled to fully grasp Jesus’ ministry.

I have heard and seen people say that they do not see the love of many who proclaim to have the truth, whether it be church leaders or the run of the mill individual, and their response would simply be “if you love people you will give them the truth” and I agree, but how do you perceive truth and what is your definition of love?

The point I am trying to make is this. There are many things in the bible we as christians will disagree on and you might be absolutely convinced that you have stumbled upon the truth. All I am asking is that you consider the other person’s opinion and respect their point of view if it seems they adhere to the basic doctrines of the Word, instead of throwing out the baby with the bath water.

It might be the issue of christians who shouldn’t eat pork or the keeping of the law as a child of God. It could even be your view of the timing of the rapture, which some believe is a false doctrine. You may not believe in the events of Revelation or the manner in which these events will play out or you consider infant baptism as the only biblical baptism.

The list goes on and on and on… It’s a pity that we allow the secondary “doctrines” some seem to build their faith around, cause believers to break fellowship. I am not referring to beliefs that are outright heresies, but it seems that pride can blur your view sometimes, and we already see in part, through a glass darkly.

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