How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” (PS 32 v 1)

Do you feel guilty about your sin? I am not talking about a single sinful act in a moment of weakness for which you repent and seek forgiveness, but a lifestyle that is riddled with sin, yet you choose to ignore your conscience, or should I rather say, the conviction of the Holy Spirit…

The Lord is clear that anything not done in faith is sin. How often do we justify certain things and simply say the Lord knows our heart? Make no mistake. He does know your heart and this should concern us, for the heart is desperately wicked and deceitful and it is here where all sinful desires originate from.

Reaching the point where you acknowledge your sinful nature before the Lord and asking for forgiveness is only the start of your sanctification process. Realizing that we have rebelled against God, enables us to confess our sins. Then, and only then, can God rid us of the burden we carry.

Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within in me.” (Ps 51 v 10)

How quick are we to pray that the Lord should forgive us our transgressions, as we forgive those who trespass against us, yet our minds are not renewed (Rom 12 v 1 – 2), for our battle is not against flesh and blood, as it may seem, but against the powers and principalities that govern this fallen world.

As a result we are exposed to the filth of this world and can so easily be dragged down if we do not “take capture our every thought” (2 Cor 10 v 4 – 5), that is not of God. Only the Lord is able to cleanse our hearts and minds, renew our spirit and heal our souls.

If you are going to bend the knee, kneel before the One and Only, living God, who is able to save us from our fallen nature. Only through the working of His Spirit, are we able to overcome sin and by His grace we can live a life dedicated to the One who gave His life to set us free from the bondage of sin, our Messiah, Jesus.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Thought for today
Pride comes before the fall

The reason for today’s thought relates to christians who seem to spend all their time, trying to expose those who do not seem to keep to biblical truth and at first glance this seems like the noble thing to do.

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