Lest you fall

The book of Psalms addresses all the feelings one could experience, challenges we might face and also offers guidance for serving the Lord. Let’s spend some time and discuss these over the next few days or weeks, depending on how the Lord leads us.”

Now as for me, I said in my prosperity, ‘I will never be moved.’ ” (Ps 30 v 6)

How often do we become proud and self-confident, thinking that our achievements and success is due to our own intellect and abilities? Losing sight of who we really are, can be very dangerous, “so, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall!” (1 Cor 10 v 12) [NIV].

Everything is the Lord’s and “all things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” (John 1 v 3) [NKJV]. He has no beginning and no end and exists outside of time and space, something we are bound to in this life and will only be able to perceive what that is like when we meet the Lord in the next life.

Back to the topic. Pride can cause us to rely on our own abilities and not before too long, we end up telling God how we see things and that He should bless our decisions. Sounds outrageous, doesn’t it? Do not be fooled. This is the norm today, even in the evangelical church where the mainstream thinking is based on what God can do for us and what I can get out of this relationship, if you can even call it that…

If you wish to be in right standing with the the Lord, relying on Him for every breath and acknowledging Him in everything you do, then pay attention to this passage where David asks the question in verse 3 (Ps 24), “…who may stand in His Holy place?” and then answers it himself in the very next verse. “He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood and has not sworn deceitfully.” (vers 4).

Do not be deceived, thinking you can make it, by relying on your own strength. Because of our nature, we are fallen and sinful, and this causes our compass to direct us in the wrong direction continually, without the guidance of the Lord. Let His Spirit show you the true north. Allow Him to guide you into His truth and you will live a fruitful life, knowing the Lord is the One, who sustains you and provides in your needs.

We are destined to perish, should we exercise our free will without God’s blessing. He doesn’t take away our free will when we choose to listen to Him. He blesses you when you are humble enough to use your free will to acknowledge Him and consult Him in every aspect of your life.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Psalm 19

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