O give us help against the adversary, for deliverance by man is in vain.” (vers 11)

Do you feel broken and rejected, knowing that no man can save you from the dire situation you find yourself in? From a human perspective, David knew that defeat was eminent if God didn’t intervene and this is what he prayed for.

I recall a situation, where I knew that no single person would be able to salvage the disastrous outcome that was pending and unless God provided the break through, I wouldn’t be able to tell about it.

I would like to leave the following in your midst today. Should you be praying for a miracle, knowing that only the Lord is able to deliver you from the “snares of death”, bring your case before Him. Whether it is your critical financial situation or a loved one who is terminally ill or even your marriage that is on the rocks, petition to the Lord and ask Him to provide a miraculous break through.

There is something you need to consider though. Do not neglect to also ask that His will be done and then accept the outcome, knowing that it is for the best. Realizing that in this school of life, there are many lessons to learn for us to mature in our faith. Jesus knew that He had to give up His life and although He still asked the Father if the cup could pass Him by, He acknowledged the Father’s will and accepted His fate.

Our God is a God of miracles, yet He is also a God of logic, just and righteous and if we have to learn the lessons in order for our soul to be saved, trust me, we will learn the lesson, one way or another. Praying for a miracle, knowing you have erred, is like asking the judge to let you go, knowing you have committed the crime after overwhelming evidence have been presented. God is not to be tested, for He knows the intentions of our heart.

Forgive me if it sounds like I am preaching to you, but praying for a miracle, simply to ease our pain is not biblical. Also praying for a miracle, knowing well that you have sinned is not the way a child of God should respond. Therefore we should trust in the Lord, that regardless of the outcome, He will give us the grace to work through this difficulty we are facing.

We should, like David, be confident in the Lord, knowing He will not leave our side and if we remain faithful… absolutely faithful, who knows? God may just, in His goodness, grant our request for the glory and edification of His Holy Name. Be at peace with your situation, regardless of the outcome, because God is your rock and your salvation.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation


Psalm 71 and 92
Old age

The book of Psalms addresses all the feelings one could experience, challenges we might face and also offers guidance for serving the Lord. Let’s spend some time and discuss these over the next few days or weeks, depending on how the Lord leads us.

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