Prayer for today
Thank you for our free will

We had a discussion over the weekend regarding one’s free will and this is something not many people seem to (want to) talk about. I believe we were created with a free will, which was “taken away” due to the fall, when man was disobedient.

People were reliant on prophets and judges for guidance and even asked for a king, because they sought someone to lead them to the truth, which wasn’t always the case, because they didn’t listen to the word of the Lord, spoken through these men of God. Free will was restored at the cross and we were once again given the choice to serve and obey God.

This is my prayer:
I thank you Heavenly Father for restoring our free will, so that we can choose to obey you and love you as a child would choose to love their biological father. You loved us first and therefore created us in your image. You continued to love us by sacrificing part of yourself in the form of our Redeemer.

You are a sovereign God, who can do as you please, yet you granted us the choice to accept your grace, when Jesus paid the ultimate price for our freedom from the bondage of sin. You could have forced us to love you, but because of your nature, have given us the choice.

I come to you as a child would come to their earthly father and bring those before you who are still bound to the lusts of the flesh, in bondage to sin, with no way out, unless they choose life. Thank you that every single person you created, can come to you for forgiveness and you will not deny them.

May your love abound in us more and more so that we will also love others and treat them with compassion, kindness and gentleness. Thank you Lord, for the gift of grace we receive when we decide to turn away from our sinful nature. When we pick up our cross and follow you, we also die to self and our fleshly desires.

May those who choose to serve you Jesus, be strengthened in their walk with you, so that they will no longer long after the pleasures of the world and the desires of the flesh. Thank you for the hope we have in you when we put our trust in you. I know my Redeemer lives and we will never be disappointed when we choose to live for YOU. AMEN


Psalm 60
Praying for a miracle

The book of Psalms addresses all the feelings one could experience, challenges we might face and also offers guidance for serving the Lord. Let’s spend some time and discuss these over the next few days or weeks, depending on how the Lord leads us.

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