May the Lord provide each of you with the peace (shalom) that only He can offer us.  God is good, God is able.  He knows our needs.  Even the number of your hair is counted.  Seek his Kingdom FIRST and the rest will be added.  Amen

Day 3
James 4 v 1 – 10 and Matt 7 v 7 –  12.

Need some time today to ponder on these passages 🤔 in the meantime there is a promise.  Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.  Acknowledge Him in everyhing you do.  Seek Him with all your heart.  Love Him with your whole mind and soul.  Long after Him. 

Look forward to spend time with Him.  God has shown us His favour already and through the work on the cross has provided a way for us to be in rightstanding with our Creator.  Use this opportunity daily as we never know when our days are numbered.  Have a Wonderful Wednesday.

James 4 v 1 – 10

My thoughts:

How often do we ask God with the wrong motives for material things?  Shouldn’t we ask for wisdom and discernment instead like Solomon did?  God provides us with (more) Grace and shows us favour as long as we humble ourselves before Him.  Let us ask God to cleanse our hearts and minds and provide us with a sober spirit that longs to fellowship with Him.

Scriptures for “a Week on Surrender”  DAY 4

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