
Word of encouragement for today
Our hope is in the Lord

May you be comforted by the fact that we serve a living God and that we can defend our faith, knowing that Jesus lived as a man, died on the cross and rose again victoriously.

This is the hope we have; we worship a personal God. One who was willing to give up part of Himself to identify with us so that we could become one with Him, yet He was blameless and without sin.

He gave us new life through offering up His own. He gave us a reason to live, not for ourselves but for Him and others. Just as He lived and died for the sake of others.

May God’s love abound in us more and more as He becomes more so that we may become less. Although, not (worth)less, for He is our righteousness and in Him we find our identity, purpose and true meaning.

Step out into the world today, knowing that you are a child of God. Be bold in your faith and humble in your walk with Christ. Allow God to manage every aspect of your life, decision making and relationships with others.

He knows best, because He is God, our Father, our Comforter and our Saviour.