
Psalm 71 and 92
Old age

The book of Psalms addresses all the feelings one could experience, challenges we might face and also offers guidance for serving the Lord. Let’s spend some time and discuss these over the next few days or weeks, depending on how the Lord leads us.

Do not cast me off in the time of old age; do not forsake me when my strength fails.” (Ps 71 v 9)

How many of us who have reached “retirement” age can truly say that we have served God a life time from our childhood? If you are reading this and smiling, you know exactly what I am talking about and seeing that I have only reached the forty year mark recently, having served the Lord a mere 17 years, I still have a long way to go.

I had this conversation with an elderly lady once, after she attended a close friend’s funeral. She mentioned that she only attended the church service and not the burial and the reason being is she couldn’t stand (to stand) next to an open grave, which begs the question… Why would you be afraid of standing next to someone else’s open grave? Unless… you are not certain about your final destination, I suppose.

It seems sad that someone in their 70’s or 80’s look back at their life and all they can take from it is the work they have done, the marriage(s) they had and the children they raised. Don’t take this the wrong way, because it is part of the journey during our short stay on earth in this life, but there must be more to life than that which occupies our every waking moment.

A life time without knowing God, makes all the above seem meaningless, although it should not be. God purposed for us to work and marry and raise children, but if this is done without Him being present, we miss out on the blessings He has to offer for those who allow Him into their workplace and marriage. Not to mention the blessings your children will receive if you raise them within the confinements of Scripture and I guess this is the point I am trying to make.

It is written that “the righteous man will flourish like a palm tree… and still yield fruit in old age.” [paraphrase] (Ps 92 v 12 – 14). Old age should not be a time of having regrets about poor decisions you have made during the course of your life. It should be a time of remembrance, thinking back at the joy your loved ones brought you. Memories of childhood adventures with your parents, who loved you and supported you during those uncertain times as a young boy or girl, finding your way in this cruel world.

Old age should be a blessing, especially if you are still young at heart. It should be a time of total devotion to the Lord, now that you have stopped working for the world, done with raising children and whether you are a widow or widower, devote every moment to God. Prepare yourself to “change location”, it might take many years, but do the necessary house-keeping and make sure your (heavenly) affairs are in order before you move over.

Many young people don’t have the opportunity to make things right, because their life is cut short due to illness or an accident. As an elderly person you have the privilege to teach younger people the ways of the Lord, encouraging them to seek Him and guide them to make better choices. Having said that you should still use the time you have, continuing to seek the Lord, willing to grow spiritually until such time that He brings you home.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation