Day 4 [18/06/2020]
Psalms 19 v 7 - 14 | 2 Kings 18 v 1 - 8 | Jeremiah 7 v 21 - 29

What is the difference between us, who have accepted God’s grace, through believing in Jesus, for our salvation and those who were under the law?

With regards to our behaviour – there is no difference, whatsoever!

We too, “walk in our own counsel and stubbornness of heart” and “stiffen our neck“. Why then do we consider ourselves holier as christians, yet our actions show the contrary? We know the outcome of those who said, “Lord, Lord, we did this and that in your name…” [paraphrase].

If we cannot keep the law and we are not saved through (good) works, how do we then obey the Lord and keep His “commandments”? My response is this. By loving Him as much as we ought to through our affection for Him in our heart. He should be our FIRST LOVE.

Trusting in Him, and Him alone, for our salvation and deliverance. Acknowledging our sins and realizing we cannot win God over by doing good, yet our hearts long after other gods. May “the words of our mouth and the meditation of our heart be acceptable in the sight of the Lord.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

Day 5 [19/06/2020]

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