Israel was set apart for God, due to the covenant He had made with them, hence all the laws they had to follow to distinguish their worship from the pagan worship that also took place in those days.

God’s people were like a naughty child, wanting to have things their way, so they would moan about the food, for example, yet they never had any shortage, because God Himself provided in their needs. They remained in the wilderness to learn the lessons needed before entering the promised land and so will we, if we do not learn the lessons in order to mature in our faith.

The reward for obeying God, should not be something material, but brings peace and gives us security, knowing He is our rock and fortress. Just look at how they “camped and set out” only when the Lord instructed them to. So when the cloud hovered over the tabernacle, they remained and only moved on when the cloud lifted.

What is the significance about this, you may ask? Obedience!!! Sometimes God does not clearly show us why, but He shows us how. I can testify to things God has instructed me to do that served, first and foremost, as a test of my obedience, besides having to learn the lessons required from the situation.

Obedience also serves a greater purpose and is compared to a man who hears the Lord’s words and acts on them, by building a house on the rock, so that when the storms of life come and crash against the house it will withstand the impact.

Don’t be foolish and ignore the Lord’s commands, His instructions, by building your house on sand. For the storms will come and destroy the house and everything in it. Are you where the Lord wants you to be? Do you only set out when He instructs you to do so?

Listen to His voice by allowing the Spirit to guide your every step and do not simply go ahead and do things impulsively. Do what your hand finds to do, while waiting on the Lord for instruction on what to do and where to go next. Place your hope, trust and faith in Him and He will lead you to the promised land.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

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