Let us evaluate ourselves today. Are we in right standing with God and others? Are we continually keeping His Word, by abiding in and adhering to His commandments. We are under the Law of Christ, the law of Grace. Why would we think for a moment that we are free to live according to the world’s standards and that which is presented to us as the acceptable norm?

Go to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to reveal everything in your heart today that is not from Him. My prayer is that He will cleanse your heart, body and mind, renew your spirit and restore your soul. May you long for His Word and may your eyes be opened to the magnificent glory of the Lord.

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”

Day 2 [16/06/2020]
Hebrews 11 v 8 - 19 | Joshua 14 v 6 - 15 

It was reckoned unto those, who remained faithful, as righteousness. Believing in the promise of a coming Messiah, even though “not receiving the promise” in full yet with their death, having seen Jesus after His crucifixion, as He appeared to them in Abraham’s bosom (Sheol), this great treasure was revealed to them and not to mention Abraham, willing to sacrifice his only son, in obedience to the Lord.

In the original languages, faith and faithfulness is the same word and without faith it is “impossible to please God“, which subsequently means, without faithfulness it is impossible to please God. What is faithfulness then, other than obedience?

God also says that He does not long for sacrifice, but obedience instead. Those who obeyed the Lord while in the wilderness for 40 years, received the promised land and we will too, should we remain faithful to the Lord. This promise of eternal life, the ultimate prize, awaits those who completes the race.

The question many people would ask right about now, is this. Can I not live a righteous life, being fair and just, loving people and treating them with respect and do good deeds, without believing in and being obedient to [a] God?

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