
Rom 11 v 1-24; Deut 6 v 1-8 v 20
Not by bread alone

“…man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by everything that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord” (Deut 8 v 3)

The Lord humbled the Israelites when He freed them from the hand of Pharaoh, yet He still provided in abundance, even though they complained continually and longed back to Egypt.

Regardless of their murmuring and unbelief, God remained faithful to his promise and until this day the remnant remain His covenant people. While some of the natural branches were broken off for rejecting the Word of truth and we – the gentiles – were grafted in among the remaining few, we ought not become arrogant in thinking that we have now replaced them as God’s elect.

The reason for the above background is this;
We should learn from Israel’s mistakes and realise that it is by grace alone that we have received this Word of truth, which is God in the flesh, who revealed much of Himself in the from of Jesus, who is the living Word (John 1 v 1) and taught the things of His kingdom, of which there are many aspects still to be revealed.

My prayer for today is that we will seek the Lord with our whole heart and that He will reveal the treasures of His kingdom to us. Allow the Lord to teach you through His Spirit of Truth and listen to His still, small voice and above all, look to Him as the source of your salvation.

The Lord has much to teach us. Be open and willing to listen and learn from Him. May He soften our hearts, life the veil and open our spiritual eyes and ears to the meaning and understanding of His word.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation