
Psalm 34
No doubt

The book of Psalms addresses all the feelings one could experience, challenges we might face and also offers guidance for serving the Lord. Let’s spend some time and discuss these over the next few days or weeks, depending on how the Lord leads us.

The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous and His ears are open to their cry.” (vers 15)

How often do you doubt your faithfulness to the Lord or His ability to provide in your needs and sustain you? Can anyone say they have never had any doubt in times of trouble?

This Psalm gives us the confidence that the Lord will deliver us from our afflictions, should we seek Him and fear Him like David did. It is written that we should first seek the Kingdom of God and the rest will be added on. We will not want nor lack anything, for He will provide in our needs and because He is God, He might even spoil us every now and then with something unexpected.

If you have any doubt in the Lord’s ability and “anxious thoughts multiply within you” (Ps 94 v 19), look back at the times you made it through a difficult period in your life. Can you see how God helped you and how His loving kindness and grace carried you through. You might be having doubts right now about your future, the future of your children, friends and family.

Remember this. The Lord is your stronghold and your God, the Rock of your refuge [paraphrase] (Ps 94 v 22). He is a personal God, not some far off, distant being, pulling strings from where He sits on His throne. Talk to Him, like you would talk to your father. Share your deepest concerns and greatest worries with Him.

He planted the ear and formed the eye. Surely He knows our thoughts and doubts. He has always been around, just longing for us to call on Him. He is the God of our salvation. Allow Him to take away your fears and doubts, for He will not abandon you if you turn to Him for help.

Thank you Lord Jesus, for the confidence we can have in You, knowing You are capable of taking care of us and provide in our daily bread so that we will not lack any good thing.

Scripture quotations taken from the NASB, Life Application Study Bible, unless stated otherwise. Copyright by “The Lockman Foundation