
Hosea 4 v 1 - 6
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."

This passage paints a perfect picture of the current worldly state. “There is swearing, deception, murder, stealing and adultery, violence and bloodshed.” Yet there is no faithfulness, kindness, compassion, patience, long suffering, self-control and love, because there is no (longer any) knowledge of God.

Instead of looking to God for our salvation, we have turned to our idols, sports, leisure, entertainment and its artists, etc. Those who are called to lead people to the Lord have neglected their calling and are leading the flock astray.

It is our responsibility to stand up as followers of Jesus and not be ashamed of the Gospel and become a shining light to this dark world. It is written that we will be known by our fruits. Let’s show the world the result of a spiritual life, embedded in Christ so they can witness our faith through our works and who knows? They might too come to the knowledge of the saving grace of God…

“Scripture quotations taken from the NASB. Copyright by The Lockman Foundation”