How did a tax collector end up writing one of the most important accounts of Jesus’ life and ministry?

This just comes to show the power of the truth and even though many chose not to believe, Matthew believed, based on the evidence that Jesus was the promised Messiah, a descendant from David, exactly as it was prophesied.

Although the Jews hoped and waited for a conquering king, that would come to their rescue and overcome the Roman empire, Matthew presents us with the suffering servant, Jesus, who would be rejected, persecuted and eventually killed.

The gospel of Matthew was written to the Jews to prove Jesus was indeed the Messiah and that His kingdom would reign forever, while this kingdom was not of an earthly nature, for that was what the people were looking for.

Matthew tells the events, beginning with Jesus’ genealogy, His parents’ escape to Egypt and His humble birth and how He (Jesus) was raised in the Jewish traditions. He also talks about Jesus’ ministry, miracles of healing and teachings about the kingdom of God and how we are called to live according to His laws.

Matthew echoes the words of Jesus about the warnings regarding His death and resurrection, His return and the signs of the end times, and how we should remain watchful and not allow anyone to deceive us.

Because of this, the religious institute of the day felt threatened for their livelihood was at stake. They succeeded where Herod and even satan failed. Jesus wasn’t killed as a child, nor could satan tempt Him in giving in to his ludicrous temptations, but the Jewish people, supported by the religious establishment handed Him over to be killed, just as it was written in the prophets.

Jesus’ final days on earth, His death and resurrection gives us hope that no matter how dire our situation might seem, especially when majority has turned their back on us, there is life after death. Christ has endured much in order for us to receive life in abundance.

While you read through the gospel of Matthew, consider this; Jesus has overcome and reigned victorious over sin and death. His heavenly kingdom is greater than any temporary, earthly kingdom and above all, His kingship is everlasting.

Matthew teaches us to live a Christ-centered life and the reward for that is an eternity with our Lord and Saviour. Forgiveness is ours, if we only choose to accept, for those that are willing to put their faith in the risen Lord, will receive eternal life.

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“But Jesus said, ‘Let the children alone, and do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'”

Matthew 19 v 14

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